Account and card terms and conditions EU/EEA

Last update and effective as of: 13 June 2024
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1. Introduction 2. About Juni3. Definitions4. The Juni Platform and Juni Business Account5. Your Account and e-money6. The Juni Card7. Restrictions that Juni may apply8. Fees and charges9. Protection of your funds10. Fees and charges11. Account information and statements12. Open banking13. Integrations14. Notices and information15. Third party websites16. Service levels17. Customer service and complaints18. Intellectual property19. Licence20. Ownership21. Your liability and indemnification22. No warranties23. Limitation of liability24. Force majeure25. Use of your personal data26. Entire agreement27. Partial invalidity28. Assignment29. Survival of terms30. Applicable law and disputes31. Changes to these Terms and Conditions32. Closing your Juni Business Account

Terms and Conditions

Last update and effective as of: 13 June 2024
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